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Representation by Andrew Burtenshaw

Date submitted
9 September 2020
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

I am deeply concerned that EDF has proceeded with submitting this application whilst the country is dealing with a coronavirus epidemic and consider the timing to be totally inappropriate. Additionally, despite four rounds of public consultations, EDF has still not provided enough information or adequately consulted about a number of Important issues: ????1) The serious threat to RSPB Minsmere Reserve and other nearby protected sites. The company has provided no assurances that Minsmere and Sizewell Marsh SSSI will be protected from any potential harm as a result of Sizewell C. The amount of information about the adverse environmental impacts has been pitifully small. 2) How EDF plans to deliver millions of tonnes of material without a jetty, significant use of rail, or an adequate road route. Suffolk Councils dispute EDF's claim to have chosen the best road route. 3) Community Impacts: No study has been provided despite EDF promising this “at a later stage of consultation” 4) Health Impacts: no study has been provided despite promising this “at a later stage of consultation” 5) Worker numbers and accommodation: EDF’s communications about worker numbers at Sizewell have been very misleading and it is uncertain where everyone would live.