Back to list The Sizewell C Project

Representation by Julie Barham

Date submitted
9 September 2020
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

EDF only propose a two village bypass. The A12 is currently an extremely congested and dangerous road and adding a further 2000 vehicle movements a day for the next ten years is madness. There should be a four village bypass as a minimum requirement but this still will not elevate the congestion from Martlesham to Woodbridge. EFF have given no solutions to the rat runs that will happen apart from painting double yellow lines down the High Street in Wickham Market. The proposed park and ride at Wickham Market is far to close to the A12 and will cause tremendous tail backs on to the A12. The site itself is vast and totally out of keeping in such a rural location When Sidewalk B was built the majority of materials came via a sea pier but EDF say that is too expensive. It appears that whatever EDF propose it is the cheapest way of doing things and at no time have they listen to the concerns raised by people who will actually be affected. Their solution to any objections is to build yet another sports hall in Leiston. Sizewell C will not provide jobs for local people . Nuclear power plants require skilled engineers and these won't be found in Leistons job centre. The workforce to be build the plant will be transferred from the ones currently being built.