Back to list The Sizewell C Project

Representation by Mrs Ann SK Mitchem

Date submitted
11 September 2020
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

As a resident of East Suffolk, a volunteer at Minsmere and at Dunwich museum, I am passionate about this beautiful area of AONB - and an invaluable SSSI. We must protect the species that flourish here: flora, fauna, and the unique landscape, not just for our pleasure and enjoyment, or even for our visitors’ - but for our children and future generations, who will lose so much of this precious heritage which is in our custodianship, if we fail to protect it. The following points reflect the issues that I feel MUST be addressed comprehensively: *Lorry journeys - permanent jams and hold-ups along the A12, through Leiston and along the B1122. Frequent road works. Dangerous delays to Emergency Services and Police trying to attend serious incidents. Noise and dust/dirt pollution. * Construction of the extremely large accommodation block on the corner of a B road and small lane, in a very rural area. Occupation by several thousand male workers on a small site far from entertainment and relaxation facilities. * Building of Sizewell C itself: on an unstable coastal area, with rising sea levels and more frequent storm surges predicted due to Climate change. Necessitating a huge protective sea wall (in itself acknowledging the dangers) which will affect the tidal flow and currents and impact the surrounding coastlines. * The destruction caused by building the Power Station: light pollution - dimming the fabulous night skies of this ‘dark’ area. Continuous noise and dust pollution: stressful for residents, visitors and wildlife alike. For AT LEAST 12 years.. * Disposal of Nuclear Waste. No longer any nationally designated site for this. EDF expertise in storage of this deadly material ? On a small site, surrounded by eroding shifting shingle, and a town to its hinterland? * Damage to and possible total destruction of our precious wildlife, habitats and countryside, including the RSPB’s flagship site, Star of 3 seasons of Springwatch: Minsmere. We have rare, iconic species here! Do they not count? Are they not in any way valuable to us? Try listening to our oft ecstatic visitors, as I do, at this famous bird reserve! * Local economy. Tourism is the life blood of this much-loved landscape. If tourists stay away because of the congested roads, never-ending roadworks, noise, light and dust pollution, the loss of habitats and associated wildlife, what will happen to all the businesses that depend and thrive on our visitors? And the businesses that serve and supply them? Do we owe no loyalty and support to all the creative, hard-working dedicated entrepreneurs and their staff who make this area a fascinating, enjoyable place to live in and visit? Are we trying to ENCOURAGE Ghost Towns?! * A White Elephant.. a structure that when finally completed, will be superseded by cheaper, greener Renewables, possibly even Nuclear Fusion. Is it genuinely worth going through all this devastation, at stupendous costs, for the sake of a few hundred promised apprenticeships and (low quality?) jobs? If EDF back out, will whoever takes over pick up this undertaking? We all know what our Government thinks of making promises!