Back to list The Sizewell C Project

Representation by Michael Wade

Date submitted
11 September 2020
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

My issues of concern for planners to examine regarding Sizewell C: 1. Environmental damage - The site is at risk from sea level rise and flooding particularly in view of climate change and loss of flood storage from the development site footprint. - Irreplaceable environmental damage to local landscape, SSSI’s, nature reserves, marine and terrestrial habitats and wildlife. -The amounts of water needed to construct the site and keep it running in the future are not currently available or properly planned for. - Extreme pollution to the environment from noise, light, traffic and dust. 2. Economic and social impacts - Tourism could lose up to £40 million per year which means loss of employment for local people, up to 400 jobs according to some estimates. EDF surveys have shown 29% of visitors will be deterred from the area during construction phase and could be lost forever. - Pressure on local housing accommodation. - Unacceptable impacts to local communities particularly to nearby villages with the construction of the campus and the road use. The Sizewell Link Road will sever villages and communities. 2. Transport systems - the road led strategy has downgraded the marine and rail components and will have an adverse impact on local communities either side of the A12. - 1000 HGV’s, 700 buses, 700 vans and over 10,000 extra cars daily on the A12 and approach roads will affect all our lives in East Suffolk. 3. Legacy - Changing Suffolk coast forever and losing tourism - No sustainable solution for the disposal of nuclear waste - Spent fuel and high level waste will stay on the eroding coastline for at least 100 years during which time climate change and predicted rising sea levels are likely to mean the site becomes an island. - Not addressing an economic regeneration programme after construction ceases. This happened to Leiston’s economy after the building of Sizewell B!