Back to list The Sizewell C Project

Representation by John Pigneguy

Date submitted
12 September 2020
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

Regarding the widely-acknowledged looming environmental crisis, it is absolutely crucial to make the future as "green" as possible. Wind, solar and tidal power are all "green and clean," unlike nuclear power with all its many environmental problems and risks, not to mention its prohibitive financial costs and risks (ironically, even the nuclear industry acknowledges that renewables are quicker and cheaper). The Sizewell C project has no place in a "green future." Not only would it disastrously affect this whole area in so many ways, but it is also said that Sizewell C could well be obsolete by the time it is built. In addition, and as has already been mentioned, "nuclear power" is fabulously expensive and dangerous, with radio-active-waste-storage being another really costly and dangerous long-term problem. As can plainly be seen, "green" is the colour of the future, and the future is right here, right now.