Back to list The Sizewell C Project

Representation by Mrs Susan Eckholdt

Date submitted
12 September 2020
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

The application misleadingly suggests that there is a need for Sizewell C, yet the claim is a false one. There is no local, county, regional OR national energy production target driving this specific project, and absolutely no need for it at all, whatsoever, on energy requirement grounds within East Anglia because East Anglia is already over capacity for electricity. Any pledges to mitigate the destruction required in order to build this monstrosity would be a drop in the ocean. Once the flora and fauna are gone the damage is irretrievable and in the past week no-one could have failed to hear the latest stark news on The State of Nature report. It shows, in grim detail, that almost one in five plants are classified as being at risk of extinction, along with 15% of fungi and lichens, 40% of vertebrates and 12% of invertebrates. It paints a picture of what conservationists call "the great thinning", with 60% of "priority species" having declined since 1970:-[Redacted] With this in mind, the refusal of this application is surely a foregone conclusion. TIDAL ENERGY is the way forward for the UK because unlike wind and solar, the moon is a 'constant' and we are an island nation. With sea levels rising faster than at any time, how can anyone seriously consider this a viable project for the future of energy production. I don't know for certain but I believe Chinese steel is to be used as it is cheaper. It sounds like an accident waiting to happen.