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Representation by Bromeswell Parish Council (Bromeswell Parish Council)

Date submitted
13 September 2020
Submitted by
Parish councils

Bromeswell Parish Council would prefer that we didn’t need to use nuclear power but accepts that there is a need to phase out fossil fuels and that, at this stage a mixture of nuclear & renewables represents a sensible government policy to keep the lights on across the UK. It accepts that as there are existing nuclear power facilities at Sizewell then it is logical that the site is considered for future stations such as proposed as Sizewell C. The PC is not technically competent to decide on energy policy for the UK and relies upon the government to do this. It is therefore, in principle, in support of Sizewell C and further renewable energy sources. However, The PC believes that more can be done to ensure that the economy and environment of East Suffolk should receive tangible benefits from both the construction and ongoing running of both nuclear and renewable developments being proposed. Current proposals for the build phase of Sizewell C do not go far enough in providing protections for the way of life of East Suffolk residents, the environment and businesses nor in promoting their economic well being. The PC therefore supports the Combined Authorities lack of support for current proposals for Sizewell C. It notes that in recent days, Suffolk County Council has concluded that it opposes the proposals from EDF and the Parish Council supports that opposition. The issues that the Parish Council is particularly concerned about are: Impact upon pedestrian and road crossings on the East Suffolk railway line (including proposed closures) which will materially adversely affect the lives of thousands of residents and the tourist industry that is so vital to this area over a period of many many years. The impact upon the residential amenity and tourism industry of additional pylons. The lack of any local offset arrangements to encourage businesses hungry for power to relocate to the north east suffolk area. The impact on traffic when the inevitable traffic issues on the A12 cause drivers to seek alternative routes. Such a plan will be needed and given we are now on to the third reactor being built at this site the problems are clearly known and such a detailed plan should already be available. The council is not satisfied with the proposed environmental mitigations which EDF have had years to work on but still involve the destruction or potential destruction of internationally important wildlife and natural habitats. The failure to fully fund a proper upgrade to the A12.