Back to list The Sizewell C Project

Representation by Kirsty Logan

Date submitted
14 September 2020
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

I reject Sizewell C on numerous grounds. Firstly the effect on local environment is appalling. Minsmere is an internationally critical reserve that will not recover from the build. Neither will the SSIs, green field sites or woodland that will be destroyed. We CANNOT afford to lose any more habitat in the UK, we are in a biodiversity crisis that must be taken seriously. It will be disastrous for local tourism industry right at a time when we are already suffering. It is not a suitable site for the project given sea level rise, flooding, eroding coast. EDF have an appalling build and financial record. The claims of jobs created are extremely misleading and will not outweigh what is lost. We should be building back green. Renewables are the only way ahead and the UK should be capitalising on its ability to produce wind and wave power now. We should also be looking at cutting our energy use rather than feeding an endless appetite for it that will just create more problems. The actual carbon footprint of the build and its surrounding carparking, housing, lorry parks, concrete pour etc is appalling. The nuclear waste issue is not resolved and just stores up issues for future generations.