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Representation by Simon Lee-Frampton

Date submitted
14 September 2020
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

I feel that the siting and building of a nuclear power reactor in such close proximity to RSPB Minsmere and the potential effects on the habitat and species living there, especially marsh harriers, will be detrimental. Additionally I am concerned about global warming, potential melting of ice in Greenland, Arctic and Antarctic which has already begun and its subsequent effect on rising sea levels and how this will impact the site. Also, if it's going to take until 2040 to be carbon neutral I think that we should be considering other alternative sources of power. Finally I am deeply concerned about radioactive waste. A Conservative MP recently said that nuclear power was safe. Well I wouldn't want toxic nuclear waste dumped in my local landfill site. It presents a serious health hazard and I am very much concerned by it.