Back to list The Sizewell C Project

Representation by Dominic F Douse

Date submitted
15 September 2020
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

I object to the sizwell c nuclear power project on the grounds that it is unasasery and massively over priced in comparison to more long-term solutions like solar and wind which are cheaper easier and far more efficient than nuclear power this particular nuclear power station is a design that has been outlawed for being unsafe in Japan and China and has due to the serious over run of the progect in France it has been nearly a decade since it was supposed to be completed and it cost so much more than it was supposed to that edf had to be bailed out by the French government I also point out that by the time it is up and running it will be according to a significant portion of the sintific cominty will be obsolete I beg of you to actually do some research that is not given to you by EDF'S propaganda department