Back to list The Sizewell C Project

Representation by Helga Ballam

Date submitted
15 September 2020
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

I wish to register my concerns about the proposal to build Sizewell C I believe the site is flawed because of predictions about rising sea levels. It is also adjacent to sites of ecologically significant importance. Coastal erosion has been proved to have some disastrous consequences for the built environment on this Coast. Tourism is an important contribution to the local economy and the impact of the building process may force a significant downturn In the long term income for the region. The influx of transient workers and necessity to provide accommodation will have an impact on local housing and simply building lots of poor quality temporary dwellings is environmentally damaging. The road infrastructure is inadequate and the impact on communities in the access are will be extremely detrimental. Health and social services are barely adequate for the existing communities and stretching this resource to the limit will have a very negative effect on existing residents ability to receive the services needed. Noise, light and environmental pollution will increase significantly. Current roads are not suitable for construction traffic and unless properly researched proposals are made to provide the roads needed villages and countryside could be carved up, scarring the area permanently and damaging community cohesion. Flooding is a consistent risk and conversely abstraction of water risks damage to the environment and protected species. Irreparable harm could be caused to the internationally important Nature reserve of nearby Minsmere. There will be an impact on the marine ecology. Nuclear power is not the most cost effective form of energy supply so where is the justification to go down this route? I wish to endorse the Relevant Representation submitted by Stop Sizewell C and that I consider the Sizewell C application to be totally unsuitable for a digital examination process