Back to list The Sizewell C Project

Representation by Laura Bonnett

Date submitted
15 September 2020
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

In the event of an incident at SZB during the construction of SZC, have the plans considered the safe evacuation of the local community to SZB - including those without own transport (e.g. residents of care homes, children at nurseries and schools, the elderly - as well as the current Sizewell workforce at A & B, as well as the additional SZC employees? What certainty is there that this coastline will not significantly change due to rising sea levels and erosion during the operational lifeline of SZC? If sewerage works are being planned for the temporary worker’s accommodation it seems likely they are being planned to remain in situ after construction, is this the case, will the temporary accommodation in Eastbridge be left as an unwanted legacy? In addressing climate change with our attention on renewable energy, energy efficiency and low carbon output, are EDF prioritising well-insulated living accommodation, non-car dependence, cycling, protection of biodiversity, local homegrown produce, electric vehicles and recyclable, sustainable, ethical materials over fossil fuel heavy transport, single use materials, high carbon emitting options and temporary, poorly insulated accommodation? In addressing our community’s and their worker’s mental health, are EDF prioritising people’s ability to grow and cook their own food, have walking access to areas of tranquility and the enjoyment of our local wildlife and nature? For example, this week I have picked fresh vegetables from my garden, walked on my local footpaths and along the beach, swam in the sea and have spotted red deer, bats, seals, a huge variety of birds as well as frogs, toads, butterflies, moths and a wide variety of other essential insects. My children have climbed trees over 500 years old. This is all possible whilst working full time hours. Is my wellbeing and lifestyle supported and emulated for all, and if not why not? Have EDF calculated the carbon emissions from the increase in traffic congestion on A12 and B1122? Will, and if so when, will SZC repay its energy debt from the whole construction? Is there a long-term plan for safe disposal of the nuclear waste? Are EDF fully mitigating any possible pollution of light, noise, air, water and soil in their plans for our SSSI and AONB environment? How will the imported workers at SZC integrate and play a valuable role in the local communities and neighbourhoods? Why are EDF not using land elsewhere that does not threaten a thriving tourist economy, sustainable farming industry and precious wildlife? How are EDF ensuring safe cycling and walking between our amenities? How safe will it be for the families in our community to continue to cycle and walk between Theberton and Leiston, Sizewell beach, Wesleton and Middleton, for example? Is there a risk that the project will be abandoned mid-construction as it is no longer economically viable and the imported materials supply (e.g. uranium) geopolitically unsustainable?