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Representation by Ministry of Infrastructure and Water Management (Ministry of Infrastructure and Water Management)

Date submitted
15 September 2020
Submitted by
Non-statutory organisations

At this stage, we can agree with your conclusion that the construction and commissioning of the new Sizewell C reactor is not likely to have significant adverse consequences for the Netherlands. From past experience though we know that in the eventuality of an incident with a nuclear reactor, adverse effects will also occur at longer distances, beyond 100 kilometers. The Netherlands would therefore like to receive information on developments, both during the preparations for construction and during the construction itself and, of course, when the operator will commission the reactor. In addition to this, it is important for the Netherlands to know whether transport by sea will take place of radioactive waste or materials. If so, please indicate the impact of these journeys on the international adopted shipping routes, with special interest on the route between Harwich and Rotterdam. We would also like to receive updates on this particular subject.