Back to list The Sizewell C Project

Representation by Brigitte D'Angelo

Date submitted
15 September 2020
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

I am trying to understand the risks of such a project on a coastal site. I want to safeguard the environment for future generations. I understand the need for sustainable energy and potential benefits investment can bring to an area. CUMULATIVE IMPACT: 8 other energy projects planned for this area including SPR’s EAN1 & EAN2 Plus National Grid Interconnector, Nautilus and Eurolink at Friston. Resulting in significant cumulative impacts to the East Suffolk landscape, environment and economy. TRAFFIC AND TRANSPORT Extensive rail transport and a jetty at Sizewell have been rejected by EDF. Most of the strain will be on the A12 and surrounding B roads Increase in HGVs, White vans and cars on the A12 will result in Air pollution, Noise pollution and will cause local roads to become a rat runs. Reduced road safety on the A12 and on the local B roads. This is exacerbated by a total lack of public transport in the area. We are close to the junction at A12/ B1119 and must cross it to reach local amenities. It is an accident site with a 60 mile an hour speed limit On the busiest days, peak construction, EDF projected volume of 1720 HGVs a day (source EDF DCO 8.4 Planning Statement on the 2 village by pass) Emergency services hindered. Inadequate changes to the junction at A12/ B1119 ECONOMIC AND SOCIAL IMPACTS EDF’s surveys show that a significant percentage of visitors will be deterred from visiting the area during construction, thereby damaging the Suffolk coast visitor economy. Suffolk Coast Destination Management Organisation found that tourism could lose up to £40 million a year, with the potential loss of up to 400 jobs. Jobs at Sizewell C may not mitigate for the types of jobs and businesses lost in Tourism. Construction workers in temporary accommodation in caravan parks locally may have social impact on communities. Holiday lettings and local rental market taken up with construction workers forcing prices up for local people. Strain on local services and health care provision. SITE SELECTION Sea level rises, climate change and coastal erosion Inadequate coastal defence plan - No design available for hard coastal defences feature HCDF Adverse effect on coastal process Adjacent to site of ecological importance. SSSi ENVIRONMENT AND LANDSCAPE Flooding. Development would result in pollution from light, noise and traffic Irreparable harm to Minsmere Nature Reserve Impacts on wildlife including dark skies lost Uncertainty re drainage and supply of 3 million litres of portable water a day for the construction period and beyond. Will EDF have water supply preference over locals and farmers. East Anglia is the driest part of the country. Catastrophic impact on landscape character because of locality, design and scale; construction severs the AONB Impossible to compensate for landscape and ecological damage The carbon footprint of Sizewell C’s construction will have an adverse impact on carbon targets; it cannot positively contribute to UK’s carbon neutral timetable until 2040 at the earliest. 12 years in construction and a 60 year lifespan. Thermal plumes and Chemical discharge what are the impacts on marine wildlife Unclear if there will be a sonic deterrent for the fish which will be sucked in to cool the EPRs NO SUSTAINABLE SOLUTION FOR STORAGE OF WASTE: Spent fuel and high-level waste from Sizewell B and C would stay on this eroding coastal site until at least 2135. I endorse the representations made by Rendham Parish Council, Stop Sizewell C, RSPB, Suffolk Wildlife trust and Friends of the Earth. I am concerned that virtual hearings are not entirely suitable for this project and will deter people from engaging with the process.