Back to list The Sizewell C Project

Representation by India Bacon

Date submitted
15 September 2020
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

I wish to make a representation and my concerns centre around: The damage to the local economy that Sizewell C will cause The transport issues that will be created and felt far and wide The environmental impact of the destruction of vital habitat and disturbance to local flora and fauna The lack of meaningful engagement of EDF with the local community and affected people throughout the whole process The transport solutions proposed lack any credible justification and I really question the independence and rigour of the Aecom report The road designs reflect the lack of engagement and need immense scrutiny from a truly independent source as the approach to date by EDF has not had the necessary level of detail or critical thinking applied The funding proposals and strike price for nuclear energy versus alternatives The mitigation measures planned need more detail and to demonstrate a better grasps of the extensive destructive nature of this project