Back to list The Sizewell C Project

Representation by Mark Whitby

Date submitted
15 September 2020
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

The development of the plans for Sizewell C are illustrative of a process of linear design rather than iterative design. The latter being a process that involves on reviewing early decisions in light of the developing design. As such it is flawed. I do not intend to comment in depth but will illustrate the point through a review of the plans to duplicate the B1122. I will set out an alternative more direct route to link the site to the A12 across land previously disturbed by the WW2 runway west of Leiston Abbey. This route and the old airfield site offers the potential for the projects residential accommodation to be more sensitively sited away from Eastbridge, the opportunity for a ‘site’ railway station and further can accommodate car parking for construction personnel so avoiding the additional impact of the car parks proposed at Darsham and Wickham Market. The route is shorter than that proposed, and as it only needs to exist for the duration of the construction could be built to lower standards and as such it is potentially far less costly. It also provides for the segregation of site traffic from local traffic after the A12 so lessening the risk for accidents and can be delivered more quickly, with less impact on the local community, so potentially reducing the time for the overall construction.