Back to list The Sizewell C Project

Representation by Penelope (Peppy) Barlow

Date submitted
16 September 2020
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

I am an interested party both in general and as a resident of [Redacted]where I will be affected by the noise of night trains. 1. At this stage I don't think the development is needed at all. Due to the present situation I understand Sizewell B is only running at 50%. If this kind of money was put into making solar panels compulsory on all new builds together with other energy saving strategies a new Nuclear Power station would not be needed. 2. This development will decimate 30 acres of pristine marshland with consequences for the wildlife and the local residents. 3. There will be an enormous increase in road and rail traffic with the provision of accommodation as well as in the building of the power station. 4. As a resident of [Redacted] close to the railway I will be in danger of being disturbed throughout the night by the use of long and heavy trains. A long train may take anything up to 20 minutes to pass and there are 4-5 trains scheduled per night as the development proceeds. Closer to the railway line the foundation of houses may be affected. 5. I cannot believe that in 21st century we can't develop technologies that can produce carbon free energy without the use of nuclear power which will involve storage of nuclear waste for decades. In fact we have most of them already. INSULATE. MAKE SOLAR PANELS COMPULSORY. USE GROUND HEAT PUMPS. BUILD ONLY CARBON NEUTRAL HOUSES AND HELP PAY FOR THEM. This must be cheaper than helping to fund a huge nuclear project which will destroy a whole section of the Suffolk countryside and is not even going to be part of our own energy investment as the Chinese and the French are heavily involved here.