Back to list The Sizewell C Project

Representation by Penny Cook

Date submitted
16 September 2020
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses
  1. There's going to be a lot of pollution from its construction through traffic and materials used. 2. Locals may loose jobs as the area will loose a natural beauty spot, it may make the area less appealing to visit. 3. The wildlife around the world including the wildlife in our county needs protection, habitats will be lost and may never return. The wildlife around minsmere is a wonderful treasure and one that's put Suffolk on the map. It offers opportunity for young and old to learn together. 4. It's important to me and my children that we spend money on renewable energy and find a new way to do things which won't leave the next generations with a toxic waste problem. Moving the waste out of Suffolk does not remove the problem or solve the issue. We currently have no way of getting rid of radioactive waste from the nuclear power plants.