Back to list The Sizewell C Project

Representation by Ufford Parish Council (Ufford Parish Council)

Date submitted
16 September 2020
Submitted by
Parish councils

Ufford Parish Council would like to register their objections to the construction of Sizewell C and to oppose the granting of a Development Consent Order. We have already written during the consultation process at stages 3 and 4, but do not wish the impression to be gained that the reasons for objection have been overcome. Our reasons fall into the following chief headings: Flawed Transport Strategy We are particularly concerned about EDF’s plans for an “integrated transport strategy, which in reality would see a very significant proportion of the construction and other materials transported by road. By comparison at Hinkley Point a much smaller proportion is road-based and EDF and its partners have invested heavily in sea and rail supply capability. The scale of the lorry and construction machinery traffic proposed for Sizewell C is unacceptable, as it will have significant impact on local communities, road infrastructure and the environment, as described in more detail below. We urge the Planning Inspectorate to require further consideration of the transport and supply strategy in favour of greater use of sea and rail transport. Traffic Congestion and Pollution The plans include 1,140 HGVs and 700 buses a day travelling along the A12 and local roads, with peak numbers during the morning rush hour at the height of construction. This does not include the vans and cars which will travel either to Sizewell or to the southern Park and Ride planned to be located just north of Wickham Market. The impact of this additional traffic will be huge to our local community. The A12 is already very busy. People from Ufford use Wickham Market as a local service centre, and deplore the plans which do not include realistic mitigation for the impact of vehicles coming to the Park and Ride. Particularly the effect on the B1078 along its entire length, and particularly in Coddenham. Undoubtedly this is a short cut to the westbound A14 used by many local people, and there is no practical way to prevent the construction workers using this route to Wickham Market. We are also concerned about smaller local roads if a problem occurred causing closure of the A12. Then the B1438 would become a route bringing HGVs right through Ufford. Light traffic will almost certainly find routes through villages to avoid queues and we also fear use of the A1152 down Woods Lane, through Melton and informal use of sites at Bentwaters for parking up and storage. We understand that Suffolk County Council has cited “significant concerns” over transport, design and environmental impact in the plans for Sizewell C submitted by EDF Energy and we strongly share the concerns that they have outlined. Local Environment Noise, light and air pollution will threaten local wildlife habitats. The Suffolk Coast and Heaths Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty will be harmed by this project. The RSPB says it could be “catastrophic for wildlife” at their renowned Minsmere Reserve. Suffolk Wildlife Trust also opposes Sizewell C. Local residents will lose the amenity of the beautiful coast that they cherish. Jobs and Business EDF will bring most of the supply chain and workforce from Hinkley to save money and, they have stated, to speed up the process. 6,000 workers will be brought in, risking social problems locally. EDF says 2,600 workers will be recruited locally, but this could include commuting from up to 90 minutes away. Tourism would very likely be lost. The Suffolk Coast tourism body suggests that tourists “will seek ….peace and tranquillity elsewhere”. That would mean a loss of jobs and existing businesses damaged. Conclusion These objections are based on the predicted local effect of the plans that EDF have put forward.