Back to list The Sizewell C Project

Representation by Mark Youngman

Date submitted
16 September 2020
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

A concerned East Anglian against the building of Sizewell C I recently decide to do some reading on the proposal from EDF to build a new nuclear power station at the site of the current Sizewell B reactor, after hearing various views against from locals and those for it from outside the area. After reading EDF’s full plans I was horrified to find it will encroach on the RSPB reserve at Minsmere . The plans will drive a literal wrecking ball through an area of AONB and also at close proximity to a preservation area. My main objections are: 1. Position of site. The idea of such a development in a place recognised throughout the world for its unique environment and wildlife is simply wrong. It will be destroyed. The effect on the water levels around the Eastbridge / Minsmere levels will destroy the habitat for various reptile amphibian species otters and water voles permanently . Where is the fresh water coming from in the amounts needed for a construction of this magnitude? 2. Effect on Local Villages. The quality of life for locals will be severely damaged. 8,000 workers at the site driving from outside East Anglia daily ,ending their journey at Leiston on B roads causing rat runs through rural farm roads , speeding through villages, chaos at the start and end of the working day on roads designed for light traffic (as was with Sizewell B). The additional issue of large lorries carrying supplies along the same B roads 24hrs a day 7 days a week. The issue of noise and light pollution for the residents of Eastbridge and Theberton , (my home) continuously 7 days a week on what will become the largest building site in Europe in an area with 90 listed buildings. 3. Anti-social behaviour. As is found at the Hinckley site problems of drug taking and mental health issues among workers at the leading to problems of anti-social behaviour .Leistons infrastructure is simply too small to cope with the influx of such a large increase in population. 4. Effect on local holiday trade. Such a large site will be visible along the whole length of coastline and will affect an area of East Suffolk with tourism as a sizeable sector of the local economy. EDF themselves admitting up to nearly 30% of this trade could be lost some predict an even greater loss. The thought of holidaying next to a building site with its associated issues will destroy it. 5. Nuclear waste. Where is it going , what is the plan from EDF no information is forthcoming ? I fully support the Representation submitted by stop Sizewell C and the RSPB and wish to state as a resident of East Suffolk this is completely the wrong site for a development of this type, Mark W Youngman