Back to list The Sizewell C Project

Representation by Ian Cook

Date submitted
16 September 2020
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

Objection to the plans for SIZEWELL C When Sizewell C was first proposed the cost was £6 billion - now it is estimated at £20 billion. As with nearly all projects, this cost will rise even further, and for something that will be passed its sell-by-date in 60 years, then becoming just another blight on the landscape, as nuclear sites cannot be safely demolished. Which is why Sizewell A still stands as an eyesore. The nuclear industry admit that renewables are cheaper and save more CO2 than nuclear power. This area of East Suffolk is being industrialised with multiple energy projects which, if they go ahead, will make life intolerable for people living there and deter visitors. Tourism will suffer with a great loss of income to the local economy. During construction there will be unbearable noise and dust while new roads are built, footpaths closed, endless traffic jams and an end to peace and tranquility in this part of Suffolk. The timescale to build Sizewell C is 12 years. The number of workers brought in to build Sizewell C is calculated to be around 6,000. The number of HGVs are said to be over 1,000 a day with many more cars than that on the A12 bringing in the workers. All this in an Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty, which includes RSPB Minsmere which is a haven for many varieties of birds. The building of Hinkley Point power station has overrun in time and money and has had many objections to its plans including the financing by China. In France another project is eleven years late with numerous faults and in Finland another unfinished reactor has had malfunctioning safety valves. None of this bodes well for the future of Suffolk.