Back to list The Sizewell C Project

Representation by Andrew Weight

Date submitted
16 September 2020
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

There are a myriad reason why this project would be devastating to both the natural beauty but also the local population who live and work here day to day, as well as the UK economy in general. The idea that the road systems, infrastructure and local facilities can support the huge amount of traffic, pollution, and population increase needed to build this huge reactor over a period which will undoubtedly extend into the 2040’s (and obsolescence) based on the current record of the manufacturers to meet any deadlines or safety standards, is woefully optimistic. Having lived in Aldeburgh for 15 years now and enjoyed an area of outstanding natural beauty, not by designation but by experience, I am truly saddened at the pending disaster that construction will impose on the scenery, wildlife, and economy of the area (thousands of itinerant workers in camps is far from the current demographic of visitors and locals). This is not a NIMBY attitude but merely a fact of life for this part of the country. Is the Government going to hold EDF and the investors liable for delays and retrofitting of defective or unsafe elements, once the project is underway, or is the taxpayer going to be liable to a huge increase in costs as previous PPI fiascos? The proposed reactor design (EPR) has shown to be a complete failure in France where it is 11 years late, with many dangerous faults being discovered late and huge cots overruns. The Finland EPR rector has also now been found to have major faults which will inevitable cause delays and large cost overruns. The agreement for supply rates for Hinkley point for 25 years shows the complete inability to forecast energy prices and has left the taxpayer to pay vast amounts over the current cost of energy from other sources. The viability of the reactor must be hugely in doubt at this stage with costs skyrocketing at Hinkley, energy prices declining (the pandemic will potentially lower needs greatly as more people work from home and offices are not needed), and so many other much more effective cost savings available to be exploited in the areas of home insulation and renewable (the costs of which have reduced exponentially in the last few years). The money spent on such an obsolete project could be spent on so many projects to help people affected by the fallout from the COVID pandemic, the failing social care system, and the spiralling National debt. Last but not least do we really want the Chinese to have any control or operational influence on such a vital part of the economy. They are showing that they have no consideration for anything but total world domination, whether through: Their Belt and Road initiative putting so many countries into debts that they can never repay except by giving the CPR control of infrastructure, resources or ports; There building of fortified islands in the South China sea against the UN ruling that they had no right to do so; Threats against other nations in South Asia, and even attempts to intimidate India in the North; The complete disregard of the agreement on Hong Kong, and now arrests of anybody who opposes the Chinese regime, including the free press; Their agreed intention to annex Taiwan; Their continual attempts to infiltrate countries essential services and security structures through CPR army teams of hackers; The admitted the responsibility of ALL COMPANIES to allow access to their systems by the Chinese government. Can you imagine if our internet structure was suddenly taken over, or our energy supply greatly disrupted, due to the UK or Europe taking a stand or retaliatory action over some of these actions (which I believe is the intent of the Chinese Govt. either to hold us captive due to their control over infrastructure, and force us to comply with any of their mandates, or worse TAKE ACTION)....WHO NEEDS TANKS anymore?