Back to list The Sizewell C Project

Representation by David Robertson

Date submitted
16 September 2020
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

I would like to make the following observations about the proposed Sizewell C Nuclear Power station. Solvency and efficiency EDF is fighting to stay solvent in France where it is struggling to find funds to de-commission 58 of its old reactors. This is a company that needs the funds for building Sizewell C to simply stay afloat. It has yet to deliver its current commitment to a new power station at Hinkley - now at least 7 years behind schedule and nearly £3 BILLION over budget. It is doubtful they will prove any more efficient in delivering Sizewell C. Location and local environmental impacts The local environment will be changed for the worse and forever. Coastal and marine processes will be destroyed, ecologically, historically, culturally and geographically precious resources will be compromised or eradicated. There will be deleterious consequences for Minsmere, the world-renowned population of Marsh Harriers, local roads and pathways will be clogged and rat runs created to cope with the enormous tarmac tread of the project. ’Benefits’ for local population If any of EDFs other projects are a guide - and what else can one use as a measure - the benefits to the local population in terms of employment and economic upsurge are either negligible or dubious. Most of the workforce will come from outside the area and lucky locals can simply look forward to the opportunity of the most menial jobs on offer. There will undoubtedly be some chunks of money spent by that workforce in the local area, but most of that 6000 strong workforce will be living on campuses with their own facilities, commuting to and from site along side the hundreds of lorries that will disrupt normal life and tourism for years. It is estimated that all the lovely local tourism will be polluted to the tune of £40 million. Nuclear power can help with reducing carbon footprint, but not nearly as effectively per £ spent building wind farms. And nuclear waste doesn’t just blow away on a breeze. By the time EDF finally finish Hinkley it is estimated their power will be twice as expensive to produce per KW hour as wind power, which has way fewer negative impacts on the local area, and future generations.  Water, water everywhere The flood risks of this project have not been adequately addressed by EDF and their plans for the 3 million litres (plus) of potable water they will produce less than transparent. There is a huge risk to groundwater in terms of levels and contamination which will unquestionably compromise the local habitat and protected species. I wish to endorse the Relevant Representation submitted by Stop Sizewell C, as well as those by the RSPB and SWT. For the avoidance of doubt I wish to state that I consider the Sizewell C application to be totally unsuitable for a digital examination process.