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Representation by Steve Nicholls

Date submitted
16 September 2020
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

I wish to raise the following areas of concern I have about Sizewell C. Noise pollution: Not only due to the main build of Sizewell C, but to the Theberton village bypass road that will be built to the north of my property only about 200m away at the nearest point. How good will the suggested acoustic protection actually be? as I am a shift worker and this WILL have an impact on my health and ability to do my job? I moved to Theberton for the peace and quiet!!! Air pollution: Caused by the massive influx of HGV's, construction vehicles, buses and EDF (local!!) workers travelling in from up to 90 mins away. You won’t offset CO2 from construction for at least 6 years. This will have a massive impact on my village community (we are not all spring chickens!) Economic impact: The loss of tourism to this AONB and to beautiful places like Minsmere. Environmental impact: The irreversible destruction of rare bird and animal habitats. It is impossible to compensate for landscape and ecological damage. Crime: Increased risk, due to dropping 2400 people into a small campus that I completely oppose. Impact on emergency response: The slowing down of emergency vehicles to the village, to support vulnerable people due to the huge volume of construction and delivery vehicle traffic. The application as a whole is totally unsuitable for a detailed digital examination process. I wish to endorse the Relevant Representation submitted by Stop Sizewell C and the RSPB