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Representation by Neil Mahler

Date submitted
17 September 2020
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

I am the County Fungus Recorder for Suffolk and am very concerned no fungal survey has been made or even commissioned for any affected areas (new access routes, material storage areas, etc) regarding the Sizewell C planning application, I also note no fungal survey was commissioned prior to the application to remove Coronation Wood for buildings to be erected there. As the county recorder, I emailed EDF for permission to do my own fungus survey on some interesting land adjacent to this wood and it was refused (citing the corona virus as a reason for refusal !) Somewhere in the small print accompanying this form were details explaining how to obtain permission to survey land likely to be affected. I would like to apply for permission please. I am very concerned no survey of the fungi in the affected area has been included in the Environmental Impact Statement. As the County Fungus Recorder for Suffolk I am aware of at least 3 rare species found recently in the area around Sizewell A,B & C. There are: 1. Mycenastrum corium - Found at Sizewell Belts near Leiston Common - only other UK location for this fungus is a site in Scotland. 2. Dendrothele naviculoefibulata - found at Kenton Hills and the only UK site. This is known from 1 other location, a site in France. It was new to science when discovered in 2005. 3. Geastrum minimum - a rare earthstar fungus found in sand dunes on the beach below Sizewell B. EDF refused me permission to survey for fungi so really, nobody knows what other rare fungi are waiting to be discovered/destroyed in the area due to be affected.