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Representation by G H Thomas

Date submitted
17 September 2020
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

Dear Sir/Madam I understand and agree with the need for good clean power for the UK as a whole. I am also very aware of the need for jobs in Suffolk as well as elsewhere. I do feel however, that more nuclear power production being put in place is not the answer. The building of the power plant will cause immense traffic and pollution concerns in sensitive areas. Whilst clean at source of use, nuclear has very long term disposal issues which can also contribute to problems for future generations. As such it does not have ecological benefits needed for the future of the nation or indeed the world. Future predictions set out by science has established a rise in sea levels affecting the coast and further inland. If this rise does happen it will create a dangerous situation. It appears far more logical to study, promote, design and build renewable forms of energy in a world that has huge issues with climate change. Wind power is already in place, this I would have thought is quicker and safer to implement. Solar is another to be used more frequently, but there needs to be tidal power, the tide does not falter. We are after all known as an island nation with the tide surrounding us. Surely in the East of England we can invest in jobs for research and engineering to assist both the nation's needs for power and the climate. The future relies on all of us who are here now, so please consider renewable over nuclear. Anyone who has children or indeed grandchildren will not thank you for speeding severe challenges they will face in 30 or 40 years time. I don't have children. I could say who cares go ahead make life easier for me, I won't be here in 30 years. That would be morally wrong. I do not know, even after reading all the notes if what I have written is considered a representation as I do not personally have the scientific skills to analyse the whole issue. I do hope the people who carry out the full examination do have those skills and have no bias just towards business. Your faithfully Genevieve Thomas Adrian Thomas