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Representation by Justin Dowley

Date submitted
17 September 2020
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

I would like to raise issues about Sizewell C under the following headings:- 1. My farming business; the likely demise of that business because of the land take by EDF; the unemployment of my staff which will result; the end of my nationally recognised pedigree cattle herd 2. The transport proposals put forward by EDF; the lack of proper consideration of a relief road; the already overburdened local roads at peak weekend and holiday times; the inability of the existing road structure, as supplemented by EDF's new road proposal, to bear the weight and volume of proposed traffic 3. Impact on the local economy which is built on tourism and agriculture; inevitable unemployment 4. Location of the project (and the proposed storage of nuclear waste) in an unstable coastal location; likely ecological damage 5.Environmental damage to an internationally recognised jewel of an area 6.EDF's minimal efforts so far to take account of consultees' views 7.EDF's track record in developing similar projects I ask why the examination process is taking place at a time when proper consultation, meetings etc are not allowed. I note the strong objections to date by, inter alia, Suffolk County Council, Suffolk Wildlife Trust, Suffolk Preservation Society etc. I endorse the Relevant Representation submitted by Stop Sizewell C.