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Representation by Emma Dowley

Date submitted
17 September 2020
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

I am concerned about many aspects of EDF’s SZC proposal, especially the following: 1. Environment and Pollution - Damaging levels of light, noise, air and traffic pollution arising from building works - Huge unsightly borrow pits made up of unsecured, and possibly contaminated earth, which will be blown on the wind - Irreversible damage to wildlife habitats and protected species, especially those at Minsmere, a site of European significance, the impact of the project described by the RSPB as ‘catatrophic’. - Damage to Minsmere Sluice and the consequent effect on land round the site - Destruction of AONB and SSSI sites, which cannot be adequately mitigated - CO2 emissions from construction works will take 6 years of SZC’s output to offset and not contribute positively to Britain’s CO2 targets until 2040 2. Marine and Coastal Issues - Flooding to low-lying land round the site and possible damage to a fragile coastline which is already subject to erosion - Marine ecology and the likely damage to fish stocks - EDF’s proposals for sea defences near the SZC site are described as ‘unbuildable’ and ‘do not meet any form of design standard’ (Bill Parker, ex-head of Coastal Partnerships East) - Lack of information about the impact of EDF’s beach landing facility 3. Economic and Social Issues - The local economy is heavily dependent on tourism will suffer severely, EDF admitting visitors will be deterred - Loss of tourist income is estimated at £40m a year, with many jobs being lost - Construction jobs will be created, but most will not go to local people and many will be low quality jobs - The proposed workers campus, unsuitably sited, will cause much disruption and not provide any legacy benefit - Excessive pressure put on local housing and on local health, social and emergency services - Disruption to life for local inhabitants over a long period, causing lasting damage to the community 4. Transport - Unsustainable pressure on the local road network, with adverse effects on local communities, existing businesses, farming and tourism - The proposed link road will not solve transport issues, wreck many local farms, and have no legacy benefit - Other possible link roads not canvased 5. Site and Consultation Process - The adverse impact the project will have on the environment heavily outweighs any contribution to climate change SZC might make, come too late compared with other technologies and cost much more, with financing arrangements for the project unclear. - The consultation process has all but ignored constructive suggestions many by respondents, and the DCO documents fail to address many important issues - Complete lack of coordination with other energy projects in the area - Even Suffolk County Council cannot support EDF’s proposal - SZC will mean the end of my family’s farming business with the loss of 8 jobs and the dispersal of a prize-winning herd of cattle. EDF have failed to even ask for suggestions for mitigation measures. 6. I would like to endorse the Relevant Representation made by Stop Sizewell C