Back to list The Sizewell C Project

Representation by Grahame Beales

Date submitted
17 September 2020
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

I wish to raise the following points with regarding to the building of Sizewell C 1)Both the RSPB and Suffolk Wildlife Trust oppose SZC because of concerns about impacts on Minsmere, Sizewell Marshes and protected species. I am concerned that the damage the building of Sizewell C will cause to landscapes, tourism and importantly to the area of The Suffolk Coast & Heaths Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty. 2) Renewable energy is quicker, cheaper and save more CO2 than nuclear, meaning more can be done to fight climate change for the same budget. 3) The noise, light and air pollution from the building of Sizewell C will threaten our health and wildlife habitats. In addition, the majority of workers will be brought in, risking social and transport problems. The impacts will be felt across the region, congestion, pollution and influx of thousands of workers. 4) Sizewell C will deter people and businesses from moving to the area who would otherwise have been drawn by the quality of life at present.