Back to list The Sizewell C Project

Representation by Sarah Thompson

Date submitted
17 September 2020
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

I oppose the Sizewell C project for the following reasons@ - It will take more than ten years to build, years of lorries thundering up and down the A12 pumping carbon dioxide, cadmium and lead into the atmosphere, damaging roads and overloading infrastructure. - Building it close to a crumbling coast line is irresponsible and will further erode this fragile location. - If it is built it will only be viable for 60 years, the destruction of habitat, detrimentally impacting on the local area cannot justified. - The issue of nuclear waste has not been addressed and with a frighteningly long half-life will remain a danger for decades to come. - If the money for this proposed building was invested in renewables it would far outweigh any advantages of a nuclear power station.