Back to list The Sizewell C Project

Representation by Sarah Clark

Date submitted
17 September 2020
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

The local roads and rail network, even with proposals already outlined, cannot cope with the anticipated traffic. This is a rural area and the rurality will be destroyed if This much construction traffic is allowed. The same goes for accommodation, especially the proposed development at Eastbridge/ Theberton. Local footpaths will be diverted and closed. During the many years of construction the Coastal Path will be well inland. The network of paths around Abbey Farm will become a dual carriageway and that whole area will be industrialised. The construction and running of the power station will mean substancial loss of habitat for many wild animals and especially birds, being so near to RSPB Minsmere. The dependency of the local economy on tourism will be decimated during and after construction because the coast between Thorpeness and Walberwick will be Partially closed and resemble a noisy construction site rather than a haven of wildlife, peace and tranquility.Overall the development will contribute to global warming and climate change, not decrease it. Funding will far outweigh the need and it it not an economical development.