Back to list The Sizewell C Project

Representation by Victoria Proctor

Date submitted
17 September 2020
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

I believe that the duration and size of the construction phase of Sizewell C taking into consideration the land use, the sound and the light will lead to a net loss of wildlife species in the area. I've noted the suggestion that animals can move elsewhere and come back after, however I don't believe this is in line with the behaviour of animals. A key example would be the small isolated populations of migratory birds at Minsmere. The construction phase will make nesting and breeding around the area (not just on the reserve) less likely and as the populations are small it will only take a short amount of years where no birds return and breed for the location to be entirely lost from the memory of any individuals and therefore the species will be lost to the area. With dramatically reducing numbers of birds in our skies this is a very real possibility