Back to list The Sizewell C Project

Representation by John Amos

Date submitted
17 September 2020
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

I wish to register the following concerns about the proposed Sizewell C development. I am opposed to the proposed development on the following grounds: 1) Concept Large scale nuclear power generation is outdated in principle, massively polluting and destructive during construction, prohibitively expensive, and massively polluting at end of life, with all sorts of possible negative consequences to future generations. The huge sums involved would be better spent finding new, more acceptable solutions to power generation and better, less wasteful and polluting ways of leading our lives. Such investment could also establish the UK as a leader in this field once more. 2) Amenity This area of Suffolk is hugely valued by people from all over England and way beyond, because it is a truly unique environment. Not only does it have unique and rare habitats, and wildlife, but a wonderful unspoilt coastline and a sense of unchanging beauty. It is a place of peace and solace. Much of this will be destroyed by such a project and millions of people will feel a deep sense of loss for this place that they have loved all their lives. Sizewell has healed after the terrible disruption of the the original power stations. It would be criminal to inflict yet another crushing blow to such a beautiful area. 3) Site The site is unsuitable for many reasons, including its size, its proximity to highly important ecological sites, including AONBs, and the nature of the coastline which is in flux, and forecast to be heavily impacted by rising sea levels well within foreseeable timescales. This raises the risk of dire consequences for the stored nuclear wastes etc.