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Representation by Suffolk Coast Acting for Resilience (SCAR) (Suffolk Coast Acting for Resilience (SCAR))

Date submitted
17 September 2020
Submitted by
Non-statutory organisations

The aim of SCAR is to preserve and protect, for future generations, the Suffolk coastline, tidal rivers and surrounding land area. SCAR is a strategic partnership of organisations and individuals of all political persuasions representing groups on the Suffolk coastline. 1. SCAR submits that because the DCO submitted by EDF contains no detailed design of the coastal defences the application should be rejected. 2. No report of the ground conditions has been supplied which makes any assessment of the coastal defences impossible. 3. There is no mention of how to take account of long term settlement which is a real risk given the soft eroding materials making up the bulk of the local geology. 4. EDF has not complied with the precautionary principle as laid down in the Principles for Flood and Coastal Erosion risk Management (PFCERM). EDF has not complied with Policy Statements EN-1 and EN-6 as laid down in government guidance for nuclear power stations within Flood and Coastal Erosion Management guidelines. EDF does not comply with the H++ scenario. 5. The approach to future coastal processes and the assessment of future shoreline change – the appointment of the seven expert geomorphologists,set out in section 7.2 of document 6.3, Revision: 1.0; PINS Reference Number: EN010012; Volume 2 Main Development Site; Chapter 20 Coastal Geomorphology and Hydrodynamics; Appendix 20A Coastal Geomorphology and Hydrodynamics: Synthesis for Environmental Impact Assessment – lacks proper professional rigour in that none of the seven experts have signed off the report of their views