Back to list The Sizewell C Project

Representation by Dunwich Parish Meeting (Dunwich Parish Meeting)

Date submitted
18 September 2020
Submitted by
Parish councils

Building on an eroding coastline with an insufficient impact statement. Damage to tourist industry the mainstay of the local economy. Environmental damage to a world-renowned and highly sensitive AONB, loss of habitats, risks to endangered species with inadequate mitigation. Pollution of the water table. Lack of safety building on a cramped footprint. Lack of coordination with other large scale energy projects planned for this coast. No impact assessment of overall traffic movements including those generated by the building of electricity infrastructure from offshore windfarms in the vicinity. Air pollution, congestion and noise generated by upwards of 750 HGV movements per day within an AONB. Legacy roads serving no future useful purpose. Air pollution, light pollution, noise pollution during construction. Rejection of serious alternatives to road-led strategy. Rejection of 4 village by-pass