Back to list The Sizewell C Project

Representation by Morgan Dadd

Date submitted
18 September 2020
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

As a local home-owner I am interested in updates re the development, having previously expressed my concerns to Stephen Burroughes at East Suffolk Council as follows. To have an area of natural beauty on our doorstep and know the harsh effects this development is certain to cause, I have many concerns, but three fundamental ones that I explain below: • Road schemes / traffic management - the A12 is already an important artery that feeds the whole Suffolk Coastal area with minimal impact to the many villages it serves or the surrounding environment. I am concerned that the plans for construction (1000+ HGVs per day) but also subsequent fuel storage management will have a major impact on major exit routes using the A12. Obviously any road development work to manage traffic will have a significant impact to peoples homes, rare wildlife and the landscape. • RSPB Minsmere and other local AONB - I am a member of the RSPB and would hope that you have seen the following article - [Redacted]. There is no doubt that the development will have an impact on such locations as this clearly articulates, as well the surrounding marine environment with proposals such as a beach landing facility and a very sizeable cooling water intake infrastructure (drawing 2.5 billion gallons per day). • The UK does not need additional power infrastructure from nuclear developments such as Sizewell C - not only is the risk of the proposal outlined here [Redacted]there is evidence that the project is more about the survival of the French nuclear industry then the necessity of the Sizewell C scheme to provide electricity to UK customers. Renewables are known to out compete nuclear and would have far less environment impact yet do not appear to have been considered. Instead we should be proposing more clean energy schemes such as this one announced this week in neighbouring Norfolk if more energy infrastructure is truly needed - [Redacted] To quote one of the articles above, “The only legacy Sizewell C will leave for Suffolk is a degraded environment and a radioactive waste mountain which future generations will have to deal with”. Yours Sincerely, Morgan Dadd