Back to list The Sizewell C Project

Representation by Susan Seabrook

Date submitted
18 September 2020
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

I wish to register the following observations and concerns relating to the proposed Sizewell C and D developments and to object in the strongest terms to their Planning Application. 1. Nuclear power is outdated, too expensive, polluting and most countries in the world will not entertain nuclear any more, including France who have had a disastrous relationship with EDF and refuse to subsidise them further, hoping that the British consumer\tax payer wil be saddled with the expense. Other forms of green energy generation are rapidly on the increase which are safe, cheap and from which there is no lethal waste that no-one knows how to, or is willing to, deal with for future generations. 2. There is not enough fresh water to accommodate the needs of a further two nuclear power stations and all the ancillary services required in connection with the build. We have no idea where EDF think they are going to acquire such volumes of water. Do they know? 3. The East Suffolk coastline is receding at a pace. The local beach could be, and has been historically, washed away in one fell swoop given the right conditions, leaving Sizewell power stations on an island cut off from emergency relief and in a dangerous condition. 4. Sizewell A and B have destroyed and are destroying millions of tons of fish during their operation. Obviously with two more stations operating this situation can only get worse and cannot be avoided. We need what they destroy for our own food. The fishermen are obliged to throw back undersized fish while nuclear power stations scour the seabed and waters unquestioned and unaccountable. 5. Our roads are totally inadequate to cope with the construction\workforce traffic. There is already too much traffic emanating from Sizewell A and B. We cannot afford to mend the copious amount of potholes in this region through historic lack of investment in very old roads. Most of the local roads are too narrow for large lorries\loads to pass unhindered. There will be inevitable traffic jams given that the A12 and A14 are closed on a regular basis as is the Orwell Bridge. 6. The rail line is inadequate for construction loads in its current state and is single track all the way to Ipswich and Lowestoft. 7. Sizewell nuclear power stations have brought no long term benefit to Leiston Town and it remains unloved, under-developed and ugly, and since the building of both power stations has become a haven for illicit drug activities. Most of the public houses in Leiston have gone bust and closed. There is very little for local people to enjoy. 8. As a local person, I watched the building of Sizewell B from being a hole in the ground to the placing of the dome. I had two businesses during the building programme, a gentlemen's outfitters in Leiston, the beach cafe in Sizewell and three letting properties so I have seen it all. It didn't make me or the town rich from what was promised by Sizewell B. Nothing will change. 9. The intended site for Sizewell C and D is far too small and limited to be viable. It is in an AONB and triple SSI. It will impinge and possibly destroy one of the jewels in the crown of Britain, Minsmere Bird Reserve, which has been developed and nurtured over decades and draws visitors from all over the world. The area is one of the most beautiful in East Anglia. 10. During the past thirty years and beyond, great emphasis has been put on the development of tourism in this part of Suffolk and heavy investment involved in drawing visitors to the area who come to enjoy the beauty, peace and quiet and quality of life this area has to offer. This will not sit beside the development of a huge industrial site spread over many hundreds of acres of our precious countryside and seaside, bringing dust pollution, light pollution, air pollution on a massive scale. Tourists will be driven away from the area and many businesses will suffer accordingly. I would beseech the Planning Inspectorate to consider very deeply the ramifications and cost of all aspects of this planning application. Thank you.