Back to list The Sizewell C Project

Representation by Steve Guyton

Date submitted
18 September 2020
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

New Roads and Construction Site The impact of over a thousand HGVs and hundreds of buses on the A12, an already over used link through the county, will create terrible congestion. Having studied the planned changes to the roads in the local area (as partially detailed in the EDF Latest News) and drawn this out onto the local Ordinance Survey map. I suggest that the Two Village Bypass and the Sizewell Link road will cut through swathes of existing country side to the detriment of the area. The sheer size and scale of the construction site (254 hectares), accommodation site, the freight holding area, the northern and southern park and ride sites will dominate this part of the county with noise, light and air pollution for years. I know this part of coastal Suffolk well having walked the Coastal Path, Sandlings Way, Minsmere Nature Reserve and many other footpaths in the area. The impact of this colossal construction will ruin this area for ever No amount of assurances about reducing the impact on birds and wild life hold true. The RSPB and Suffolk Wildlife Trust oppose the plan Construction The time that it takes to build estimated by EDF at 9 to 12 years with an allowance for a 30% overrun is an extraordinary long time. Disturbing the region for a decade. After a life of sixty years the power station will have to be decommissioned and nobody to my knowledge knows what to do with the core except bury it or keep it cool for centuries. EDF have a poor record for meeting timescale and cost estimates. Many nations within Europe are now going away from the nuclear option as the true costs of decommissioning come to light. Alternative means of providing energy are available and take much less time to install as can be seen along the East Anglia coast. Most importantly of all, allowing The Peoples Republic of China to be involved in a nuclear power plant is just beyond belief! They are not a trusted partner in business as shown by the Huawei control of telecoms, not to mention the suppression of personal freedom in Hong Kong, or the disregard for their neighbours as shown by their expansion in the South China Sea. Local Jobs and Businesses EDF say that they will employ local businesses and in their Latest News they list local companies that are currently working for them. But the total number of employees at present is tiny. EDF will transfer workers from Hinkley Point where ever possible as they will have the experience necessary without extra training The impact on tourism in this area will be catastrophic due to the number of extra people working from out of the area and heavy traffic which will last for at least a decade. Who wants to holiday in a construction site?