Back to list The Sizewell C Project

Representation by Sarah Cousins

Date submitted
18 September 2020
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

I would like to make these points: • Nuclear Power using Uranium has too high a risk if something goes wrong • There are more sustainable, cleaner and safer power alternatives we should be considering • If we stick with nuclear, alternative energy sources such as Thorium would be safer • If it takes 9 - 12 years to build Sizewell C won't our technology, our needs and our infrastructure have moved on during that time? Building a uranium fuel reactor is outdated when EDF and CGN could be leading the way building a sustainable, clean, green, safe alternative instead • In your application/promotion saying "thousands of well paid jobs for the region" would apply whatever the energy/power source • In your application/promotion saying "investment in education and skills" shouldn't be dependent on Sizewell C • In your application/promotion saying "a net gain in land for biodiversity" shouldn't be dependent on Sizewell C • These three promotions above are offsets to try to influence community goodwill. • In your application/promotion saying "powering 6 million homes" isn't a lot compared to our current population of c68million and in 9-12 year's time if our population is an additional 8 million as estimated this means <8%. That's a risk of a uranium breach/meltdown destroying the country and impacting the world in return for energy for less than 8% of the current population.