Back to list The Sizewell C Project

Representation by Julia Brown

Date submitted
18 September 2020
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

Environmental concerns at every impact level from human,animal,flora and fauna level. Life threatening proposed build for many endangered species. Loss of habitat irreplaceable..mitigation measures proposed inadequate for what is proposed. Imperative Reasons of Overriding Public Interest re Marsh Harriers in an AONB , given state of environmental damage and Global warming and other energy projects proposed for this area...hugely questionable new nuclear is needed....people/animals/insects are screaming out for places to live. Water.....where is it all coming from....and used water...where is it going in this exceptionally dry area.? Traffic....unrealistic imagery from EDF modelling showing 1/2 cars on the B1122... Huge reality check needed on road usage. Air quality, spoil pits, 24/7 movement.....pollution from air/ light/dust etc.. All that makes this area special be altered by the impact of this proposed build, from fly parking, workers movements, imbalance in employment (8% managerial) and loss of work in areas not connected to the power station. I have followed this project since the build of Sizewell B. EDF have failed to provide adequate information at every turn to allow an in-depth understanding of their proposals and impact. Their absence of detail to allow proper scrutiny is made more alarming as this proposal is too complex and wholly unsuitable for a digital examination . I completely support Stop Sizewell C’s Relevant Representation