Back to list The Sizewell C Project

Representation by Ray Mumford

Date submitted
18 September 2020
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

Sizewell C is nothing more than a horrendously expensive vanity project. When Cameron’s government was promoting this, their mantra was “not a penny of public money would go into it, it would ALL be financed by private companies” Now we find the companies involved will be paid way over the going price for electricity and it would be on EVERYONES bill, even those who only use renewables. All that money will go to foreign companies with ‘questionable’ reputations. Because the companies still think it is a financial risk we hear the government is considering paying billions towards building it! East Anglia is already self sufficient for energy generation, mostly renewables, so it will be of ZERO benefit to the area where they want to build it. The effect on the whole area during years of construction will be terrible, huge numbers of articulated lorries pouring in and out every day, environmentally horrendous. The affect on local wildlife reserves, and wildlife in general will be catastrophic. Add to this the indisputable fact that the technology is beset with problems, so no one knows whether it will even work. And if it does work, nuclear waste will have to be stored on site for over 100 years, and then moved to a place where it can be stored, cooled and guarded for possible thousands of years. And, of course, being on the coast, should there be another flood or tidal wave we shall have our own ‘Fukushima’. To allow this nightmare to go ahead would be insane. All logic and common-sense directs this application must be refused.