Back to list The Sizewell C Project

Representation by Jack Broom

Date submitted
18 September 2020
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

Objection to Sizewell C Planning Inspectorate Sept 2020 Jack Broom [Redacted] I am opposed to the proposed development for the following reasons: During the building of Sizewell B in December1990, I was cycling home from work and was hit by a car that was a Sizewell B worker leaving the site. I sustained life changing injuries and after some time at [Redacted], I had nine months off work and still consider myself lucky to be alive. There will be a huge increase in traffic, worker cars, service vehicles and lorries near where I live despite many changes to local access roads to Sizewell C. This proposed development will will have a massive changes in my local community and also with additional disruption, noise, light pollution will cause permanent damage to a delicate environments including my house which is located in an area of outstanding natural beauty (AONB) and our garden is on the border of a site of special scientific interest (SSSI). These are under threat from Sizewell C. RSPB Minsmere is also under threat from Sizewell C for the same reasons. Much wildlife will be damaged. Destruction of the site for the of access roads, worker accommodation and the nuclear site itself will lead to a massive permanent loss of flora and fauna. When I moved to [Redacted], where I live, a new domestic water pipe was installed and it was connected to a 6 inch water main that was originally laid exclusively for water needs of 1960s Sizewell A nuclear station. This huge water main now supplies Sizewell B. I am given to understand that Sizewell C will need 3 million litres a day in an area with water shortage. I am very comcerned that we have declining fish stocks and that Sizewell C will use sea water as a cooling system which destroys a vast amount of marine life. The policy is to store nuclear waste on site along with decommissioned reactors. This is long term the most hazardous aspect of Sizewell C new build on a coastline that is subject to erosion. The Environment agency has predicted that Sizewell will be an island in a century caused by climate change. Covid 19 has caused disruption to public consultation about Sizewell C. People during lock down have have had less ability to see the plans and time to organise objections to EDF's massive plan.