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Representation by Nicholas John Ward

Date submitted
19 September 2020
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

I wish to raise the following issues of concern about Sizewell C. 1. Our local community of Theberton and Eastbridge in our area of East Suffolk have repeatedly asked EDF Energy to explore alternative methods of delivering key aspects of this development to reduce the impact on local people and wildlife. They have failed to do so. 2. The size and complexity of this project are unsuitable for this location. 3. Legacy - EDF must provide a legacy for our area after the project is completed being; a viable A12 link road, social housing and protect the AONB and the environment. 4. Link Road to the A12 - Suffolk County Council as our highway’s authority has condemned EDF’s transport strategy and in particular its flawed Sizewell Link Road route. The council says the route ‘would have a permanent detrimental impact on landscape and ecology’ with no ‘legacy benefit” after construction’. There is a far better solution from the A12 south of Saxmundham, which is more direct and passes through low populated areas. It would also provide a lasting legacy for the Leiston area. 5. Road-Led Transport - The transport strategy presented by EDF Energy relies heavily on road-based haulage for materials. In its current form, I don’t believe it is a sustainable solution with its massive impact on the environment and our communities and a much higher number of heavy goods vehicles taking to Suffolk’s roads than our existing infrastructure can handle. 6. Blue Light services – these will be impeded by the large volumes amounts of construction traffic. Please investigate impact. 7. EDF must increase rail or sea transport to alleviate some of the pressure due to be put on our road network and our communities. 8. Environmental Impact – these have not been mitigated as expected. For example, the proposed use of electricity pylons is an unnecessary blight on the landscape and the effects on local wildlife and wider environment have not been mitigated. 9. Water Supplies – main water supplies to householders and local businesses will come under threat. EDF have not explain adequately how the vast amounts of water for construction will be obtained. This is the driest part of UK and is frequently subjected to water restrictions. Essex and Suffolk Water say additional measures will need to be taken, but these as yet are unproven. 10. I wish to state that I consider the Sizewell C application to be totally unsuitable for a digital examination process. 11. I wish to endorse the Relevant Representation submitted by; Stop Sizewell C, RSPB and Suffolk Wildlife Trust.