Back to list The Sizewell C Project

Representation by Robert Alan Hoggar

Date submitted
19 September 2020
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

a. The potable water demand for this Sizewell C&D EPR nuclear twin reactor would be more than the area could supply. Local town Leiston would be at riske of a water shortage as a result.Local agriculture would be disadvantaged and crops would suffer.The area is known as the driest area in Britain. b. It is intended to build the largest building project in Europe on an Area of outstanding natural beauty known aas the heritage cost of East Anglia. c. The permanent noise,dust,and light pollution wil affectand destroy the adjacent famous RSPB Minsmere bird reserve. d.The impact on this fragile forna and fauna will be devastating. e.All of the area is AONB,SSSI, SPA, & RAMSA designated. Nearly 1000 acres will be lost of this special location. The loss is not at all justified due to the increasing global climate imergency which exists. f.Many mature hardwood Oak trees, would have to be taken down.Including the established Coronation Wood. very much in despute and all considered a devasting loss. g.There would be footpath losses and reduction in access to the countryside. h.Huge increase in traffic on totally unsuitable already mostly packed roads with the increase of CO2 particulates. Traffic would not be able to continue to enjoy the intended recreation,leisure, and tourism which exist now. iThe assessment of the complete carbon footprint of the project would be devastating. Sir David Attenbourgh has warned. We cannot plead,we didn't realise. j.Polutants entering pristine SSSI habitats is certain. k.Impact on water levels would be threatened. L. a very now more recently understood certainty is the huge loss of fish stock due to the huge amount of water reqired to be sucked through seven metre diameter tubes to cool the turbines for the next 60 years plus.This is already happening at other nuclear pwer stations and should stop! Many thousaands of fish are killed each day as a result. m.The cost of building this largest nuclear power station in the world would have to be funded with public financing at twice the now average cost of Renewable energy by the tax payers of Britain index linked for,it is said,35 years commencing at £95.50p per megga watt hour. Renewable energy is already less than half that cost and is on line now. n.Nuclear waste will be an inhertance for the next generations to store as best they can for thousands of years on our behalf. Nuclear is so favoured even now simply to be able to kill people with atomic weapons.This not a justified reason to continue development as there is enough nuclear waste in storage to knock this planet of its orbital aciss.