Back to list The Sizewell C Project

Representation by Naomi Adelson

Date submitted
19 September 2020
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

As somebody who grew up close to the East Suffolk coast, I am concerned about the impact of Sizewell C on the local community, landscape and wildlife. I am now a practising doctor and I also have serious concerns about the impact of this nuclear power station on health. The radioactive waste produced by the power station will surely have an adverse impact on the health of the local community. I am concerned about how and where this waste will be stored. Research from Germany links nuclear power stations to increased incidences of leukaemia in young children living nearby, and it is not advisable for us to expose our population to this risk. However my biggest worry from the health perspective is that nuclear power contributes significantly to climate change, which is the biggest known threat to human health that we face. I also have concerns about the local economy which relies largely on tourism, with people travelling to the area for its peace, tranquility and beautiful landscapes. Visitor numbers will surely drop if there is a new nuclear power station at Sizewell, especially with the extra noise and traffic which will be generated by the transport of workers and materials. This is an area of significant importance for wildlife and the environment and this will be destroyed if the project goes ahead. The Suffolk Coast and Heaths Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty is supposed to have a ‘high level of protection’ under the Countryside & Rights of Way (CRoW) Act 2000 - I cannot see how a new nuclear power station fits in with this. There are many rare species of wildlife that currently thrive in this area, and would not survive if the project goes ahead. Moreover, there will be an impact on the land itself, with worsening of the existing coastal erosion that the region already faces. All in all I have serious safety concerns about this project.