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Representation by Nacton Parish Council (Nacton Parish Council)

Date submitted
19 September 2020
Submitted by
Parish councils

EDF should adopt a rail-led strategy during construction phase. This will reduce the environmental impact on the whole area and will mean that no Freight Management Facility is needed. The Suffolk Coastal Local Plan encourages everyone to move freight by other means than roads. A rail-led option will leave a legacy for the future with the upgrade of the East Suffolk rail line. This will benefit both freight movements and passengers and provide a better and more sustainable means of travel for residents along this line. If the road-led option is agreed, the following comments should be taken into account: The proposed site for the Freight Management Facility (FMF) should be re-considered. Ideally, it should be west of the Orwell bridge so lorries can be held there when the bridge is closed, or further up the A12. The proposed site for the FMF has the potential to cause accidents on and around the Seven Hills interchange. No improvements to the roads in this area have been suggested. The proposed site for the FMF will adversely affect businesses in Nacton, particularly Home Farm, Nacton and the Seven Hills crematorium which serves the whole of the Colneis peninsula, including the towns of Felixstowe, Woodbridge and Ipswich. The proposed site for the FMF will also affect the main bus route between Felixstowe and Ipswich and a major cycle route between these two towns. These routes run past the proposed site. The FMF will be operating at the same time as the construction of a large residential area nearby on the A12 and the construction of a small business development next to the proposed site.