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Representation by Karen Poll

Date submitted
20 September 2020
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

I am concerned about the following: Transport - concerns about the vast increase in traffic on roads already busy, particularly at the Theberton end of the network where the proposed new bypass would end and at the Abbey Lane/Abbey Road/Lovers Lane junction where the proposed railway line will cross. Damage to the rural footpath system is a concern - although new routes have been suggested they are taking footpaths from rural country lanes to running adjacent to roads with noise and exhaust pollution. Rat running will become an issue on lanes that are often only one car width with few passing places. Communities and farmland will be divided. Environment - with recent dry summers and lack of water reducing the water table I have concerns about future water availability for homes and agriculture. The local wildlife will be impacted with no opportunity for it to recover as replacement areas such as Aldhurst Farmland are not like for like land and so will not encourage the same species and wildlife at the Minsmere Reserve will suffer from the impact of the noise and light pollution. Fencing will also hinder wildlife movement. Community - it is already difficult to get appointments with the doctors surgeries with the existing local population and with an additional estimated 6000 workers moving locally using the same services there it will be even harder. With roads that are inadequate the emergency services such as fire and ambulance will find it incredibly difficult to get to where they need to be.