Back to list The Sizewell C Project

Representation by Paul Whitelock

Date submitted
20 September 2020
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

I wish to raise a number of concerns regarding the Planning Application for Sizewell c I am concerned that the site would become a significant store of nuclear waste and contaminated structures in an area subject to changing sea levels and coastal erosion. I have grave concerns regarding the detrimental impact on the local community and on the environment. This is an area noted for its tranquillity and unspoilt countryside supporting a significant tourist industry. The consultation process was flawed. The local community raised significant concerns regarding the EDF transport proposal and workforce accommodation plans. These have been ignored in spite of alternative solutions. The Sizewell Relief Road has no legacy benefit and will have a significant negative impact on the landscape, farms and homes. I have concerns that EDF have failed to provide details of the consequences of a number of their proposals. There is an element of making positive statements out of context, of choosing not to have consultation meetings at communities directly affected. I am concerned that the energy needs, costs, and alternative solutions have changed significantly since this proposal was first muted. If this is not the place for this comment please ignore it.