Back to list The Sizewell C Project

Representation by Shona Hardie

Date submitted
21 September 2020
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses
  1. Large nuclear power stations have had their day. If Sizewell is built it will be a very expensive white elephant by the time it is finished. 2. “Green” energy is cheaper. Existing wind and solar continue to get cheaper but they are not the only sources of renewable power. 3.e.g Scottish Power and partners plan to use energy generated by a major new solar farm near Glasgow to run an électrolyser to produce hydrogen gas for use in power plants, heavy machinery and transport. Could be working by 2020. 4. Large battery storage plants are being developed and built. 5. “Most analysts have now accepted we don’t need 30% energy from nuclear”. Professor Jim Watson, UK energy research centre. 6. Power market needs to be more flexible and renewables are more flexible than nuclear. 7. If nuclear has to be used Rolls Royce plan to Install factory built mini reactors by 2029. These could be sited on former gas and coal fired stations where there is a supply of cooling water and maybe existing cooling towers. Thus regenerating old industrial sites rather than wrecking invaluable Unspoilt countryside. Also less transmission losses being closer to large conurbations. 8. Nuclear waste - governments have being trying as long as I can remember, 50+ years to secure a geologically suitable site to store high grade waste - in vain.