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Representation by Wissett Parish Council (Wissett Parish Council)

Date submitted
21 September 2020
Submitted by
Parish councils

The Parish council does not support EDF Energy’s proposed freight transport strategy due to the fact that (1) it is not a sustainable strategy, because an increased proportion of rail transport (and potentially sea-borne transport) could be reasonably achievable, and (2) it does not currently mitigate its transport impacts on the highway network to acceptable levels for the community. The Parish council would seek additional assurances from the applicant, in order to secure the maximum possible rail and sea usage, robust transport controls and monitoring arrangements, and additional mitigation to address junction and road capacity issues, increased carbon footprint and emissions and community impacts. Contributions towards increased highway maintenance costs resulting from construction traffic using the A12, B1122 and other local roads. This includes additional costs to undertake maintenance at night or advance of construction to avoid disruption and structural damage to local highways.